Sunday, December 15, 2013

Really Quick!

Sorry about blog silence, it only means that life has been very good but hectic!

The shop is a busy place.  Customers are enjoying the new expanded space and the opportunity to see more of the inventory we actually had but all stuffed into the one small shop.

There is a downside of all this new found space, more floors to clean, more snow to shovel more get the picture.  Keeping up with everything is taking up more of my spare time.

So it's Sunday, my day off from the shop!  I have shoveled the walk and purchased some new things that will hopefully stop the windows from fogging up and checked the space for a those things that have been known to happen when we are away.

I am at home waiting for 'The Farmer' and 'The Boy' to return from repairing the water pipes at the barn  (frozen again) and we can put up the tree.  Decorating can wait until sometime this week.

If you have been following on Facebook I hope you have participated in at least one of the Knit-a-longs we have created.  They don't take too long to do and we hope to have at least 5 items knit before the 25th.  (It was going to be a lot more, but that was just being way too organised for even me!)

Talk to you soon.

Please note the shop hours posted on the sidebar!

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