One Hundred and Seventy Three helmet liners, knit by 43 knitters! Done!Sales Rep picked them up today! Done! Clapotis, from knitty, started January 09 sat behind the cash desk waiting to be finished since last summer, took 3 days to finish! Why do we do that, leave stuff so close to being done? Go find something you have been working on and finish it, do it now!
Then you can come and see me and see all the new yarns and patterns!
I am now working on a few last details of an 'event' planned for next week! I am taking a few days off! (Yup Holidays for Tina!) Don't quite know what we will be doing. Perhaps staining the house, visiting with The Girl and moving The Boy to University!
The Shop will be closed for Holidays the week of August 30th - September 7th (Labour
More details later, and yes I threw out that skein of yarn!
Whew!!! I thought I was going to miss getting my 'wool fix'. We're coming down the end of next week.