Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Back to Work!

We had a lovely break. We survivied Christmas! No trips to Urgent Care! For those of you with children will remember how every Holiday Season wasn't complete without at least one trip to 'emerg'.

It's back to a normal schedule, whatever that is.

On the knitting front I managed to finish a few projects, my model was sleeping when I left so more of that later. Camera is back from the camera hospital! Expect loads of pictures.

Kollage Square Circular Needles have arrived! Try explaining those to the 'muggles'!

Waiting patiently for a parcel with some really interesting patterns!

See You Soon.

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year Tina!!! Sorry I missed you on the weekend. Thanks for helping Mom. You were right, the needle lengths were supposed to be cm not in. We're back in town in February so I'll have to check out your new needles.
