Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Monday's are for...


Yesterday I did something new!

A few weeks ago I was approached by Judy from Rogers Cable to be interviewed by the hosts of the daytime show. I took a little while to decide and then thought 'what the heck'. (Then my second thought was how to loose 30 pounds in three weeks!)

Yesterday at 9:30 I arrived at the 'studio', set up the display of things to talk about and by 10:30 the whole process was done!

It felt like having some sort of medical procedure, they get you to sign a waiver, get you 'miked' up and then tell you everything will be fine. After we were done they told me I did really well, I bet they say that to everyone.

Since we don't have cable, I called my friend Elaine and we watched it at her house. The person they interviewed didn't sound or look anything like I imagined, but she did okay. I even attempted to get one of them to knit!

Elaine and I had a great visit. Another thing checked off on the list of 'things I have done'.

Someday I will tell you the list, it's kind of interesting.

Back to knitting...

1 comment:

  1. I had no idea there was a movie star living in our humble little town. Will the sequel star Brad Pitt? I would switch to Rogers for that!
